Models, Movements, and Minds: New Tools to Unite Decision Making and Action
Presenter: Dr. Craig Chapman
Venue: Leading Edge Workshop
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Gaze and Movement Assessment (GaMA) in Real and Virtual Worlds
Presenter: Dr. Craig Chapman
Venue: Know thyself VR
Lessons learned from a pandemic pivot to online testing and what this could mean for the future of telerehab
Presenter: Dr. Craig Chapman
Venue: Know thyself VR
Neuroscience & VR: Automatic Labelling of EEG Data with Eye Tracking & Motion Data
Presenter: Dr. Craig Chapman
Venue: Voices of VR Podcast
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How Real is Virtual Reality?
Presenter: Ewen Lavoie
Venue: UNSW Workshop
Simplifying a Sensorimotor Eye-Hand Task with Online Methods (3-min talk)
Presenter: Jennifer Bertrand
Venue: SMART Network Innovation Fund Recipient 3-Minute Talks